The Jalón Ángel Photograph Archive, belonging to Grupo San Valero and guarded by San Jorge University, in collaboration with the Cultural Activities Services, have organized the 4rd Jalón Ángel Photography Awards. It has an online participation on the following link: http://www.jalonangel.com/premio/en The deadline is the next March 4th, 2018.
This award was born in 2014 as a tribute to the photographer Jalón Ángel (founder of the San Valero Professional School, origin of the San Valero Group) and on the occasion of the X anniversary of the San Jorge University. Ángel Hilario García de Jalón Hueto is one of the most outstanding figures in portrait photography in Spain. In 1926 he settled in Zaragoza where he combined his more personal and creative photography, specializing in travels, with urban and natural landscapes, and his studio portraits.
The director of the archive, Pilar Irala-Hortal, affirms that “Jalón Ángel worked especially the portrait in his studio, a genre in which he became famous on a national level. In addition, he was very modern in his travel photography with shots at the height of the best European masters of the mid-twentieth century.” For this reason, the prize is divided in two categories: portrait and travel.
The winners will be announced on March 21st 2018 on the Jalón Ángel Archive website (http://www.jalonangel.com) and its social media (Facebook: Archivo Jalón Ángel and Twitter: @jalon_angel), the USJ website (https://www.usj.es) and the USJ Cultural Activities Service (http://actividadesculturales.usj.es). The Archive will be only directly in contact with the winners.
The prize consists of € 1000, an emblematic statue and a diploma for each category. Each author may participate with one photograph for each genre. The bases can be found in Spanish, French or English. The Director of the archive, also a researcher and professor at the San Jorge University, explains that “with this award we want to achieve two objectives. On one hand, we want to encourage the photographic exercise by rewarding interest in this creative discipline. On the other hand, it helps us to continue spreading the work of Jalón Ángel. “
For more information go to www.jalonangel.com, on the tab “IV Premio Jalón Ángel” or on http://www.jalonangel.com/premio/en.